Getting Over Your Fear of Carrying a Gun

Free MasterClass
Getting Over Your Fear of Carrying a Gun
Learn how to integrate a firearm into your daily life with confidence and competence.
During This Masterclass
You will learn
- The 3 main fears that stop people from carrying firearms and how to overcome each one.
- How I went from never seeing a gun to carrying one every day and why you *don’t* need to be a “gun nut” to make one part of your day to day life.
- Next steps you can take to start your own journey as a self-reliant gun-carrying woman!

About the Presenter
Stavroula MacQuarrie went from not seeing a gun until she was 18 years old…
To carrying one every single day in a way that doesn’t require her to make drastic changes to her lifestyle!
Now she helps THOUSANDS of women (LIKE YOU!) learn how to take control of their own safety in a way that’s practical and sustainable.