Armed and Confident Academy
The at home course that will take you from casual gun-owner to confident carrier.
If You Want To
make a firearm a part of your DAILY LIFE but don’t feel ready yet,
this course is for you!
Maybe You...
- Feel intimidated by gun classes
- Own guns but don’t feel comfortable carrying one
- Aren’t sure if you know enough
- Lack confidence in your ability to protect
yourself and your loved ones - Want to take classes but can’t find the time
The Answer
gaining confidence and knowledge
Here's what we'll do...
- Learning at your own pace
- Knowing how to confidently talk about guns
- Learning the ins and outs of concealed carry
- Focusing on what’s necessary in a sea of
overwhelming information - Learning how guns work
Without having to
- Fit into the mold of a “stereotypical gun owner”
- Do things based on what others think is
RIGHT FOR YOU - Spend hours of your time and money traveling to
in-person classes
Armed and Confident Academy
My online course is designed to take you from casual gun-owner to confident carrier! I know you’re busy, so I wanted to make it as accessible and flexible as possible! You can start and finish it on your own time.
I know how you feel, I've been there!
I didn’t grow up around guns and when I entered the world of firearms, I noticed that I didn’t see many people who represented ME.
I was overwhelmed by all there was to learn and felt like it would be forever before I would be comfortable carrying a firearm. Years later, I’m a licensed instructor and rarely leave the house without a gun on me. I feel confident and comfortable having it by my side. I’ve made it my life’s goal to educate as many people as possible, and now
you can get there too!
What Students Are Saying
In This Course You Will Learn
- The necessary information on firearms and ammunition
- How to choose the right gun for you
- How to confidently go to the gun shop and range
- How to find quality instruction
- The most important steps in integrating a firearm into your day to day
- How to keep firearms in the home with children
- How to hone your situational awareness
- How to cultivate a warrior mindset and overcome fear
And Much More!
Example Curriculum
- Welcome
- Who am I?
- Your Goals
- The 3 rules and how they keep us safe
- Revolvers (a.k.a “wheel guns”)
- Semi-automatics and their action types
- Understanding ammo
- Calibers: what you NEED to know
- Common handgun calibers
- Which is right for you? Revolver or semi-auto?
- The lingo
- Gun shop etiquette
- Choosing a carry gun
- To safety or not to safety?
- What to bring to the gun shop
- Putting together your range bag
- Having a range plan
- Range etiquette
- Why it matters
- What makes it difficult
- My advice to you
- Finding classes and good instructors
- My favorite training aids
- Intro to carrying
- Forming your carry philosophy
- Positions and considerations
- Holster types
- Be wary of…
- How to get comfortable carrying a loaded gun
- Importance of the draw
- The 4 steps
- Tips for practicing at home
- Pepper spray
- Extra gear continued
- Phone tips
- What is “situational awareness,” really? | Intuition
- OODA loop
- Cooper’s color code
- Cultivating awareness
- Mindset
After Enrolling You Get
Immediate Access To...
- Video lessons
- Audio lessons
- Worksheets/cheatsheets
- Helpful links & resources
- Private online community
- 24/7 access to the members-only community to ask questions and network
- Lifetime access across all devices
Frequently Asked Questions
The course starts as soon as you enroll, and never ends! It’s totally at your own pace, so you decide when you start and finish.
After enrolling, you’ll have lifetime access to all course materials!
Take a look at the entire course curriculum below. Review the lesson titles and that should help give you an idea!
The sooner you can start educating yourself about all aspects of gun ownership, the better! This course will give you a leg up as you start learning about firearms.
If You Want To
make a firearm a part of your DAILY LIFE but don’t feel ready yet,
this course is for you!